Cercando le recensioni di PMC sono cascato su Neveclub.it
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Si ritrovano le impressioni sui test degli sci tradotte in inglese con il traduttore automatico
http://www.neveclub.it/en/test/313018/ski-test-2017-ornello-sport/Un'estratto ad esempio sull'I-Speed Pro (c'e' pure allegata la foto sbagliata):
"Head WC Rebels i.pro 2016 : The real news Head is powerful and immediate response, but PRO ..... no joke a bit 'less !
Already by the weight, we realize that it is a ski important, when you put it on the track and imposed the first turns, immediately find yourself feeling that typical of all i.speed.
Compared all'i.speed, maintains pastosità, the immediacy of the response, but gains in power.
Compared all'i.speed version 180, it is less easy to interpret and is stricter. The 185 is fast and powerful.
A ski that resembles models FIS, without, however, have a radius greater than 23 meters (far too challenging for most) has the most important features compared to other models Head and is evaluated because it requires a greater physical effort."